
Showing posts from June, 2010

Are they;Palestinians not human?

Israelis Beating Palestinian Children with Sticks - Funny bloopers R us “Ya Allah, sesungguhnya kami bermohon pertolongan Mu, kami meminta ampun kepada Mu, kami memohon petunjuk dari Mu, kami beriman kepada Mu, kami berserah kepada Mu dan kami memuji Mu dengan segala kebaikan, kami mensyukuri dan tidak mengkufuri Mu, kami melepaskan diri daripada sesiapa yang durhaka kepada Mu. Ya Allah, Engkau yang kami sembah dan kepada Engkau kami bersalat dan sujud, dan kepada Engkau jualah kami datang bergegas, kami mengharap rahmat Mu dan kami takut akan azab Mu kerana azab Mu yang sebenar akan menyusul mereka yang kufur Ya Allah, Muliakanlah Islam dan masyarakat Islam. Hentikanlah segala macam kezaliman dan permusuhan, Bantulah saudara-saudara kami di mana sahaja mereka berada. Angkatlah dari mereka kesusahan, bala, peperangan dan permusuhan. Ya Allah, selamatkanlah kami dari segala keburukan dan janganlah Engkau jadikan kami tempat turunnya bencana, hindarkanlah kami dari segala bala kerana ti...

Bacaan Doa Qunut Nazilah

Maksudnya “Ya Allah, sesungguhnya kami bermohon pertolongan Mu, kami meminta ampun kepada Mu, kami memohon petunjuk dari Mu, kami beriman kepada Mu, kami berserah kepada Mu dan kami memuji Mu dengan segala kebaikan, kami mensyukuri dan tidak mengkufuri Mu, kami melepaskan diri daripada sesiapa yang durhaka kepada Mu. Ya Allah, Engkau yang kami sembah dan kepada Engkau kami bersalat dan sujud, dan kepada Engkau jualah kami datang bergegas, kami mengharap rahmat Mu dan kami takut akan azab Mu kerana azab Mu yang sebenar akan menyusul mereka yang kufur Ya Allah, Muliakanlah Islam dan masyarakat Islam. Hentikanlah segala macam kezaliman dan permusuhan, Bantulah saudara-saudara kami di mana sahaja mereka berada. Angkatlah dari mereka kesusahan, bala, peperangan dan permusuhan. Ya Allah, selamatkanlah kami dari segala keburukan dan janganlah Engkau jadikan kami tempat turunnya bencana, hindarkanlah kami dari segala bala kerana tidak sesiapa yang dapat menghindarkannya melainkan Engkau, ya Al...

Attuna As Salam (Give Us Peace)

We come to greet you kami datang untuk menyapa kalian for the coming of your Eid atas datangnya hari raya (Idul Fitri) kalian Asking why we don’t have Eid (dan) bertanya mengapa kami tak bisa merayakan Idul Fitri or ornaments like you atau memiliki hiasan-hiasan seperti kalian O people of the world, Oh, penghuni dunia, my land is burning tanahku sedang membara The land of freedom is stolen tanah yang merdeka telah dirampas Our sky is dreaming langit kami bermimpi and our days are asking dan hari-hari kami bertanya Where is the beautiful sun? kemanakah matahari yang indah? Where is the flap of doves? kemanakah kepak-kepak sayap merpati? O people of the world my land is burning Oh penduduk dunia, my land is burning tanahku sedang membara The land of freedom is stolen tanah merdeka telah dirampas My land is small, small like me tanahku kecil, kecil sepertiku Give us peace and give us our childhood berilah kami kedamaian and give us our childhood dan berikanlah masa kanak-kanak kami Give u...

Awaken by Maher Zain

We were given so many prizes We changed the desert into oasis We built buildings of different lengths and sizes And we felt so very satisfied We bought and bought We couldn't stop buying We gave charity to the poor 'cause We couldn't stand their crying We thought we paid our dues But in fact To ourselves we're just lying Oh...I'm walking with my head lowered in shame from my place I'm walking with my head lowered from my race Yes it's easy to blame everything on the west When in fact all focus should be on ourselves We were told what to buy and we'd bought We went to London, Paris and Costa Del Sol We made show we were seen in the most exlusive shops Yes we felt so very satisfied We felt our money gave us infinite power We forgot to teach our children about history and honor We didn't have any time to lose When we were.. (were) So busy feeling so satisfied I'm walking with my head lowered in shame from my place I'm walking with my head lowere...

Palestine Will Be Free

Every day we tell each other That this day will be the last And tomorrow we all can go home free And all this will finally end Palestine tomorrow will be free Palestine tomorrow will be free No mother no father to wipe away my tears That’s why I won’t cry I feel scared but I won’t show my fears I keep my head high Deep in my heart I never have any doubt That Palestine tomorrow will be free Palestine tomorrow will be free I saw those rockets and bombs shining in the sky Like drops of rain in the sun’s light Taking away everyone dear to my heart Destroying my dreams in a blink of an eye What happened to our human rights? What happened to the sanctity of life? And all those other lies? I know that I’m only a child But is your conscience still alive I will caress with my bare hands Every precious grain of sand Every stone and every tree ‘Cause no matter what they do They can never hurt you Coz your soul will always be free Palestine tomorrow will be free Palestine tomorrow will be free Vid...

Israel Navy Massacres Freedom Flotilla Passengers in International Waters

"Oh Allah, Take This Oppressive, Jewish, Zionist Band Of People; Oh Allah, Do Not Spare A Single One Of Them; Oh Allah, Count Their Numbers, And Kill Them, Down To The Very Last One" "Oh Allah, take your enemies, the enemies of Islam. Oh Allah, take the Jews, the treacherous aggressors. Oh Allah, take this profligate, cunning, arrogant band of people. Oh Allah, they have spread much tyranny and corruption in the land. Pour Your wrath upon them, oh our God. Lie in wait for them. Oh Allah, You annihilated the people of Thamoud at the hand of a tyrant, and You annihilated the people of 'Aad with a fierce, icy gale. Oh Allah, You annihilated the people Thamoud at the hand of a tyrant, You annihilated the people of 'Aad with a fierce, icy gale, and You destroyed the Pharaoh and his soldiers – oh Allah, take this oppressive, tyrannical band of people. Oh Allah, take this oppressive, Jewish, Zionist band of people. Oh Allah, do not spare a single one of them. Oh Allah, ...

Mengapa rakyat Palestin berjuang untuk keadilan

Oleh Socialist Worker Dari Socialist Worker, 23hb Mac 2002, Nombor 1792. Hak cipta Socialist Worker. Diterjemahkan oleh Muhammad Salle Siapakah rakyat Palestin? Rakyat Palestin telah hidup selama beribu-ribu tahun di Palestin bersejarah. Kebanyakan daripada mereka dipaksa melarikan diri dari rumah-rumah mereka apabila Israel ditubuhkan pada tahun 1948. Mereka melarikan diri ke Tebing Barat, Gaza dan negara-negara Arab yang lain. Mereka telah menjadi pelarian sejak itu. Terdapat lapan juta rakyat Palestin. Lima juta daripada mereka merupakan pelarian. Sejuta rakyat Palestin hidup di Gaza – lebih tiga perempat daripada mereka merupakan pelarian. Lebih kurang 1.6 juta rakyat Palestin hidup di Tebing Barat – 650,000 daripada mereka merupakan pelarian. Mengapakah mereka menentang kerajaan Israel? Israel diasaskan melalui ‘pembersihan bangsa’ seramai 750,000 rakyat Palestin dari rumah-rumah mereka. Amerika Syarikat mendesak rancangan pembahagian Persatuan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu bagi Palestin ...

Palestin, Apa Yang Mampu Kita Lakukan?

Tepat pukul tiga pagi, ketika semua orang sudah pulas tidur ada seorang kakak yang kurang siuman membakar rumah keluarganya sendiri. Rumah menghitam diratah api. Nasib baik, semua ahli keluarga sempat keluar termasuk si pembakar. Bomba dihubungi. Berkejaran tergesa-gesa, bomba sebaliknya menyembur rakus rumah-rumah jiran yang bersebelahan rumah yang terbakar. Rumah yang belum terbakar lenjun, barulah rumah yang terbakar itu pula disembur. Mungkin anda sudah mengesan motif saya. Seterusnya, saya bertanya, "Kenapa rumah yang belum terbakar itu disembur air bukan yang sedang terbakar?" Jawab ahli bomba yang komited itu, "Rumah yang belum terbakar di sebelahnya lebih kami utamakan, supaya tidak turut terbakar oleh api yang melarat-larat." Mungkin anda sudah mengesan motif saya. Apa kaitannya dengan isu Palestin? Saya menulis memberitahu perkara yang sudah diketahui. Umumnya ada di kepala. Tetapi saya cuma menyusunnya di dalam bentuk kata supaya barangkali terkait dengan...

IDF video of aid activists taken down from Mavi Marmara ship after Israeli raid

O Allaah, they are in urgent need of Your Mercies, O Allaah, they are in urgent need of Your Mercies, O Allaah, they are in urgent need of Your Mercies, so send upon them Your Mercies O Rahmaan, O Raheem, so send upon them Your Mercies O Rahmaan, O Raheem.

Dua for Palestine

O Allah, we want Your help against them and seek Your protection against their atrocities. Oh Allah! Revealer of The Book, Controller and Dominator of the clouds, Defeater of the armies of Your enemies…defeat them and make the ground shake beneath their feet, and show us in them the wonders of Your Might, for they are weak before You, O Mighty, O Powerful. O Allaah, You are our Helper, and You are our Victor, and You are sufficient for us, and the best guardian. O Allaah, break free the shackles of our prisoners and the prisoners of the Muslims, O Allaah, break free the shackles of our prisoners and the prisoners of the Muslims, O Allaah, break free the shackles of our prisoners and the prisoners of the Muslims, and return them safely to their families. O Allaah, they are in urgent need of Your Mercies, O Allaah, they are in urgent need of Your Mercies, O Allaah, they are in urgent need of Your Mercies, so send upon them Your Mercies O Rahmaan, O Raheem, so send upon them Your Mercies ...